Wednesday, March 18, 2015



 spanish- language literary movement of the late 19th - early 20th centuary, founded by RUBEN DARIO. Reacting against the sentimental romantic writers then popular in Latin America, modernistars wrote on exotic themes and often about artificial words-- the ancient past, the distant Orient, and the lands of childhood fancy and sheer creation. With ''art for art's sake'' astheir creed, they brought about the greatest revilalization of language and poetic technique in Spanish since the 17th centuary. Its adherents included peru's Jose santos chocano (1875- 1934) and cuba's jose murti. Though the movement was over by 1920, its influence continued well into the 20th century.

or Catalan modernism (modernismo catalán), see Modernisme.
Modernismo was an end of Nineteenth- and early Twentieth-century Spanish-American literary movement, best exemplified by Rubén Darío. Other notable exponents are Leopoldo LugonesJulio Herrera y ReissigJulián del CasalManuel González PradaAurora CáceresDelmira AgustiniManuel Díaz Rodríguez and José Martí. It is a recapitulation and blending of three European currents: RomanticismSymbolism and especially Parnassianism. Inner passions, visions, harmonies and rhythms are expressed in a rich, highly stylized verbal music. This movement was of great influence in the whole Hispanic world (including the Philippines), finding a temporary vogue also among the Generation of '98 in Spain, which posited various reactions to its perceived aestheticism.


  • Davison, Ned J. The Concept of Modernism in Hispanic Criticism. Boulder: Pruett Press, 1966.
  • Glickman, Robert Jay. Fin del siglo: retrato de Hispanoamérica en la época modernista. Toronto: Canadian Academy of the Arts, 1999.
  • Mañach, Jorge. Martí: Apostle of Freedom. Translated from Spanish by Coley Taylor, with a preface by Gabriela Mistral. New York, Devin-Adair, 1950.
  • Schulmanm, Iván A. and Manuel Pedro Gonzalez. Martí, Darío y el modernismo, Madrid, Editorial Gredos 1969. (Martí, Darío and Modernism
  • El Modernismo en Cataluña

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